Pele, the World-Super-Class Soccer Player

Pele, birthdate/death date/birthplace

Born on October 23, 1940, in Três Corações, Brazil, He is currently still alive. Age-73/ so he is not dead.

Real Name

Edson Arantes do Nascimiento, AKA:Pele

What Made Him Special:

His skills were liked all over the world. Everyone one wanted to see this man in action, even war leaders did. Once Pele was asked to play a match in Africa by 2 civil leaders, they were trying to settle peace by watching him play. Before Pele had ever came to the United States, there was a high percentage of people that had no interest in soccer. When he came to the United States, everyone wanted to watch him play.



His parents were João Ramos do Nascimento and Dona Celeste/Assíria Lemos Seixas. He then later had 7 children. They were, Edson Cholbi Nascimento (Son), Joshua Nascimento (Son), Sandra Regina Arantes do Nascimento (Daughter), Kelly Cristina Nascimento (Daughter) Jennifer Nascimento (Daughter), Celeste Nascimento (Daughter), Flávia Christina Kurtz Nascimento (Daughter).